This is a scaled claim based on how many days of rotating power outages California experiences during Summer 2001.
The value of the claim will be based on the number of days in which rotating power outages are applied in California from June 21 through September 21, 2001, inclusive. If N is the number of such days, the value of the claim will be .02*(N-20), range limited to 0.00 - 1.00. The chart below shows the value of the claim for specific numbers of days.
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) is responsible for ordering outages for load reduction purposes. Information on their activities is available at
I will judge this claim based on its intent, guided by the details of the wording and any relevant discussion on the fx-discuss mailing list. The purpose of the claim is to measure the number of days when an intentional action on the part of the relevant authority (currently CAISO) shuts off power to California power users.