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Claim HitchG - Movie Hitchhik.to Galaxy <2001

Category: Arts & Entertainment:Movies JUDGED at 0
Owner:723, Mario Hilgemeier
Judge:692, Bix
due date:2001/02/02

The Claim

The new movie based on Douglas Adam's sci-fi cult novel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" will be released before 2001-01-01.

press release 1998-01-06

The actual title of the film is irrelevant. The TV series existing at claim creation date does not count.

Douglas Adams has to appear in the credits of the movie.

Judge's Statement

The wording of this claim will be the sole source used in the judging unless it is found to be ambiguous. In that case, I will try to develop a consensus as to the the intended meaning. Failing that I will attempt to judge with the intent of doing the least harm to the FX system and it's users.

Note the restriction that Douglas Adams must appear in the movie credits. This is to insure that the movie has the approval of the author. If Adams publically disowns the resulting movie, or asks to have his name removed from the credits, the claim will be judged FALSE.

The Market

Price Plot for life of HitchG
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