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Claim King - Prince Charles remains heir

Category: Politics:UK Politics JUDGED at 100
Owner:47, RJMason
Judge:306, SMWinnie
due date:2025/12/31

The Claim

This claim will be judged YES if the current Prince Charles is crowned King of England.

This claim will be judged NO if any of the following occur before Charles becomes King of England.

  1. Charles dies.
  2. Charles publically renounces his claim to the throne.
  3. The British Parliament or the British people vote to dissolve the monarchy, or the government of Britain ceases to officially recognize the monarchy.
  4. In some other way the British monarchy ceases to exist.
  5. Charles is legally prohibited from becoming King of England.
If the question has not been resolved in either direction by December 31, 2025, then the claim will be judged NO.

Judge's Statement


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