A sequel to the movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World be released to theaters by December 31, 2006. The Claim will be judged true if a movie is released by the same studio, or parent corporate entity, bearing an attribution credit similar to "based on the works of Patrick O'Brien." The movie must include both the characters "Aubrey" and "Maturin" to be judged true as they are critical for a sequel to the movie. The movie does not have to be based on the very next book in the "Aubrey and Maturin" series to be judged True.
This claim will be judged on the "Theatrical release date" by which the majority of first-release theaters in the continental United States get their new movies. If the Internet Movie DataBase (IMDB) indicates that a sequel to the movie is in the late stages of production (NOT pre-production) but will not be released on time, then the Claim may be judged True at the Judge's discretion.
In case of amibiguity, I will judge this claim according to the intent of the owner as of today's date.