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Claim SPD05 - SPD remains in German gov'ment

Category: News:World News JUDGED at 100
Owner:3126, Varulv
Judge:5456, painlord
due date:2006/03/20

The Claim

This claim will be judged True if the SPD remains a member of the federal government after the next federal elections in Germany.

At the date of creation of this claim, the next legislative elections in Germany are planned to be held on 18 September 2005. If an election would be held earlier than that date, the first election is the election that counts. The election may also be postponed, but not more than six months. If the elections are postponed for more than six months, this claim will be judged False.

SPD means for this claim the German social-democratic party (www.spd.de), regardless of whether it changes its name or not. If the party is dissolved, this claim will be judged False. Groups that break out of the SPD will not be considered for this claim - only the part that generally is accepted to be the SPD or the successor of the SPD. WASG (Wahlalternative Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit, www.w-asg.de) is explicitly not relevant for this claim.

Informative: If a so-called Grand Coalition (Große Koalition) would be formed with the SPD as one of it members, this claim should be judged True.

Judge's Statement


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